BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Radio, movies, and virtual ink ...

Now, as those of you who took the initiative and checked in on The Job Stalker blog without my having to suggest you click on the graphic over there ===> will be aware, I'm running down to the Tribune Tower tomorrow morning to be interviewed on WGN-AM as part of their "ChicagoNow" show. I'm slated to be on from 11:00 to 11:30 talking about the blog ... woot!

I was off at an event hosted by The Windy Citizen last night that featured a big chunk of the blogging and "independent media" community. The event, while remarkably well attended (given the single-digit temperatures and several other concurrent functions running against it), was a bit difficult for networking due to the lay-out of the room (the back room at a bar with a lot of tables, couches, etc.), so I didn't walk away with a bunch of cards, but I've gotten mentions in several blogs and Twitter feeds since, so it wasn't a bad outing, plus it looks like I'm getting interviewed for a couple of more blogs in the next couple of days. La di dah! The more virtual ink I get the higher my profile, the closer I get to a job that I'll be happy with.

One of my projects for the weekend is to get set up with either Tweet Deck or Hoot Suite ... I'm still using the web interface with Twitter, and I'm really at my practical maximum (at over 450) of people that I can realistically read on an every-post/every-day basis. If I can get a system set where I can sort out the "courtesy re-follows" (and I frequently won't re-follow somebody simply because "they post too much", which is sad) from the folks I know, or who have can't-miss info, it will pull back on the hours I currently spend churning through the Twitter feed!

I did something tonight that I probably haven't done in, literally, years ... I actually watched a video straight through! I have no idea how people can manage to chunk the time out of a 24-hour day to devote 2-3 hours to watching a movie (a football game, yes, a moive, no). The Wife had gotten Julie & Julia from the RedBox at the grocery store, largely for my benefit, and Streep really nailed the Julia Child role. Julia had been a good friend of my Mother (along with most of the "leading lights" of the food/cookbook world back in the 60's, 70's, and 80's), and I had the pleasure of meeting her on several occasions (and even Paul at one party). The movie was remarkably well done, and I kept thinking (and commenting to The Girls who were watching it with me) how much my Mom would have liked it.

Frankly, it's a testimony to the movie that, with one pause for a bathroom break, I actually watched it straight through ... my usual interface with movies not seen in a theater is catching 15-20 minutes on TV or watching a half an hour of a video before giving up on it for more "pressing" things on the schedule (for instance I still need to finish reading a book that I already have an author interview done on, so that I can get the review written and up before Monday so I can run the interview in Monday's blog ... I could have maybe gotten another 1/4-1/3 done with that if I'd read instead of watched the movie). So it's a slightly biased "two thumbs up" from me on that flick!

Anyway, I need to get to sleep so I don't sound like a zombie on the radio tomorrow ...

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Tags: thejobstalker

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