This week I ended up going to four networking events along with keeping up all the other activities in my calendar (reading Twitter, sending resumes, reading books sent to me for review, working on the WSI site, working on the EOL site, working on some other projects), and chunking out the time to write has been hard. If you look at the current The Job Stalker post you'll see a run-down with details of where I've been and what I've done this week.
On the job search front, personally, I had two "not bad" things happen. First of all, that medical association from out in the 'burbs that did a phone interview with me 3 weeks or so back (which I'd figured was "one that got away" given the time that had passed) called me again on Monday to "clarify" some points. Evidently, they're not finding their "ideal" guy and are looking at some "near misses" ... in my case I hear that I was being referred to as "the Second Life guy", and the recruiter said that they had been worried that I wouldn't be happy in a situation where doing Virtual World stuff really wasn't a likely option. Needless to say, I pointed out that I'd hardly been in world at all over the past few months, and that most of what I've been doing since Simuality/Liminati bit the dust was doing social media, web, and general writing things (all of which were quite germane to the position). So, it was handy that I had that new version of my resume, and got that out pronto. I'm back into "waiting to hear" mode at this point.
I also used my new resume to "touch base" with various contacts that I'd made over the past few months, including the two recruiters at the University where I'd interviewed a couple of weeks back. I had, naturally enough, begun to get nervous when I'd not heard anything for over two weeks, so this gave me a chance to say "hey, what's our next steps here?" ... as it turns out, one of the two had left the university a week ago, so the delay could well be simply from the other gal having to pick up the full work load ... she got right back to me with a "we'll be in touch", which, while not imparting any positive information, at least wasn't a "we've decided to go another direction with this", which is what I've heard in other situations where I've followed up after an interview. I'm taking this as a hopeful sign that I'm still in the pool of candidates being considered!
One other "good thing" that came in this week is that The Wife got "officially hired" by the gal that she'd been doing part-time work for over the past month or so. It's a franchise deal (much like our old Tutoring one), and the lady was looking to expand into a new territory and needed to find somebody to manage it. While the money at this point isn't much better than what The Wife was getting in unemployment, at least she's in something that's moving forward!
Anyway, do some clicky-clicky love over there ===> on Monday's The Job Stalker post ... it's finally the entry featuring Gary Vaynerchuk's Crush It!, but without the "author interview". After trying to get my little list of 8 "softball" questions answered via contact attempts with Gary, "his people", and his publisher for a month, I decided to just get the damn thing up, and wrote an essay comparing my experiences with him and Chris Brogan, and reflecting on what that meant for connection and "community" in the social media sphere. Oddly enough, I got responses back (apologies, not interview answers) from Gary, "his people", and his publisher this week. It's amazing what switching into "putting out the fire" mode will do ... and all I was asking for was a mere 240-360 words fercrissakes!