See ... this isn't taking too long ... we've now caught up to a month ago!
This is a pretty standard week, a book on Monday, and "industry voice" on Wednesday, and my link dump on Friday. 02/07/2011 I looked at David Meerman Scott's Real-Time Marketing and PR which you've seen the review in here ... as is frequently the case, I was having to try to put a "job search" spin on something which is really a social media marketing book, but (at least from my perspective) there's quite a grey area there. On 02/09/2011 I ran a "guest post" from somebody at some group ... I get queried on these sorts of things fairly often now, and I'm not 100% sure what they're getting out of it (although the "page rank" for ChicagoNow is pretty solid, so having that linking to these sites is probably pretty good SEO voodoo), but if the article they're offering is at least plausible, I'll run with it. Then on 02/11/2011 it was pretty much just about stuff I'd seen that week, as I hadn't gotten back on the networking horse yet at that point.
Anyway, that's another week of splendid verbiage that was expended over there rather than over here. More to come tomorrow ...