Oh, c'mon ... look at the dates ... we're almost caught up ... you'll survive reading a few more of these, surely! The week represented above was largely lived in anticipation of the sale noted in the third post up there ... you've already seen book reviews from my haul from that!
Anyway, I started out with a book review for something I was only so-so on ... the workbook to go with the "What Color Is Your Parachute" series ... but I figured they'd sent it to me, I read it, might as well review it ... and since it was on-topic, feature it on Monday 02/28/2011 in The Job Stalker.
I was clearly scraping for material this week, and dipped into the in-box to re-purpose a newsletter as a "guest post" for Wednesday 03/02/2011. Fortunately, several of these guys have blanket re-use permissions, and another couple of them have been happy to let me feature their stuff, which makes those mid-week posts a bit less stressful!
And, finally, Friday 03/04/2011 brought not only the weekly link dump, but a flog-fest for the wonderful Open Books box sale! This involved getting a big box and filling it full of books for only $30 ... The Girls and I made out great on this ... it's an awesome sale, for a good cause (it's a benefit for their literacy programs), and I don't know why every book lover in the Chicago market isn't lined up on the sidewalk waiting to get in there for it!
Anyway, that was a couple of weeks back ... we'll be up to new stuff here real soon.