Tonight I was off for a Chicago Now event, nominally celebrating the switch over to Chicago Now 2.0, when we go from a Moveable Type system to a WordPress system. I'm sort of sad to see the switch, as M.T. is a Six Apart product, as was L.J. for many years (although some of us were on board here before they bought out brad
Things keep getting grimmer on the job front. I hadn't been regularly paid since mid-March (although I've had two "grudgingly issued" checks since then), and it's beginning to look like I might be being "stiffed" on the nearly ten grand I'm owed for my time put in since then. I may be wrong (since they money guys in L.A. specifically had me kept on as part of their team), but the things I'm seeing don't make me hopeful for that expected full-time gig magically appearing any time soon. I'm holding my breath hoping to hear from this other gig (the one I did a video interview for over the weekend), where I'm a near-perfect match for their very wide wish-list of talents, but am likely twice as old as anybody presently on staff. The note I got on Monday (telling me they got my video) said that if I didn't hear by the end of the week, I wasn't going to hear anything (and I haven't heard anything yet, although the deadline for getting in videos was yesterday at noon), so I wait.
Sucks to be me, eh?