What this post is about it to give y'all a heads-up that I'm going to be doing another NaBloPoMo this month ... the National Blog Posting Month (initially a cheeky knock-off of the NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month, but which got "traction" and has been running every month for quite a while now). If you hit that link you'll see that this month's "theme" is POEM. Fortunately, the NaBloPoMo theme is, like Barbossa explains about the Pirate Code: more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules, so you're not going to see me return to writing new poems (unless I get inexplicably inspired to transgress my "I'm no longer writing poetry" existential spin).
You are, however, likely to see some OLD stuff show up here, as I've been trying to get the whole library of the Terminal Journal issues (the literary mag I published form '93-'00) scanned and up on the web. I have the first couple of editions done (when it was monthly) and have started in on the quarterlies (which are presenting a challenge in that the .pdf files are too large for me to upload to the Ning site). I'm hoping that there might work out to be some synergy between these two factors and that having the "poem" theme in play will spur me on to spending the mind-numbing hours of scanning, etc., necessary to get those old mags in digital form.
Oh, and a wee little warning ... I'm also going to do a progressive dump of those "ever popular" The Job Stalker thumbnail links. There won't be quite so many of them (I'm down to writing about one post there a week, thanks to having found a co-author), but I do have five months' backlog. C'mon, you love hearing about my job search angst ... I know you do!
And, on the job-search front (as noted in my latest Job Stalker post), I actually got a call from a group that "had my resume on file" ... needless to say, I'd always figured that companies that said they'd keep my resume in the files were just blowing smoke up my nether regions ... and got invited in to their offices (on Wednesday morning) for an interview! It ain't winning the lottery, but it sure beats the proverbial kick in the teeth!