BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Oh ...

My, how quickly things go quiet in here when a NaBloPoMo is over!

I have, frankly, wished to post several times this week, but have not gotten around to actually opening up the "Post an Entry" page and getting to it. Part of this is due to having a mental image of this being a chore since in doing a NaBloPoMo, I am frequently "manufacturing" posts, and (in the case of the ones featuring The Job Stalker, and, more recently the scans of the The Terminal Journal) there might be considerable amounts of "development" time involved before those get to the "writing it up" phase.

What I need to do is to remind myself that this is a place for my blitherings, and that while I do, for various reasons (looking attractive to potential Hiring Managers checking out my "digital footprint", and not wanting to have uncomfortable discussions with the Secret Service), have to edit myself to a certain degree, I can pretty much just spew verbiage in here.

I have, however, been hard up against that unyielding issue of there only being so many hours in the day, and am frequently finding myself falling farther and farther behind on the stuff I want to get done, or even need to get done, so there is often the trade-off of "do I post to LJ, or do I get another couple of resumes out?" or "do I post to LJ, or do I get another couple of hours of my Twitter backlog read?" or "do I post to LJ, or do I zzzzzzzzzz?".

The past couple of weeks have been "interesting". I've been unceremoniously kicked to the curb on a couple of job things that had looked very promising (in one case, the interviewer had indicated that I was one of two finalists, and then never followed up with me ... I had to ping him 3 times over a six-week period before outright asking if there'd been a decision!), and am currently "back to square one" (AGAIN) on looking for actual employment. But I have also picked up 3 new "projects", although 2 of the 3 are of the "for stock/equity" type, so I'm not actually getting paid for my (not inconsequential amounts of) time, and the 3rd has only generated a single billable hour so far.

I have a couple of books which are currently awaiting reviewing, so you'll have those to look forward to, and maybe I might be able to remind myself that this isn't as much work as it sometimes seems to be (as opposed to my endless 140-character communications elsewhere), and just wander in here to vent.

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