a place without plan
a zone without focus
we are here
but do not know
where to go, what to do
we are dragged down
by destruction
with no route for escape
even our evisceration
seems to have no schedule
as though we waited
in some holding cell
in view of the gallows
but are left here forgotten
awaiting worlds' convenience
for when the axe will swing
so liminal, so between
we have no actions
which await
we have no intents
which abide
we drift through, empty
unable to create
unable to incite
we see no location
we see no function
we see no context
in which we still can be
all our matrix
is stripped away
leaving us naked, exposed
a fossil from better days
in this darkness
we sit and wait
signing this
sending that
walking through the circles
delimiting our world
wondering when chaos
will spring to our demise
- Brendan Tripp
Copyright © 2001 by Brendan Tripp