So, I realize this is in the "Brendan, nobody but you gives a SHIT about this!" category, but I've been busting my butt on this, and I hope that somebody other than me takes a look at it!
Anyway, I have gotten the alphabetical text listings up on the Big Poem Site ... ... both for each year up there, and for the whole site. Since there will be thousands of poems, I broke the full site listing into individual pages for each letter. The link to the full site listing is currently in the "break text" on the top page which separates the years which are done and the years which I've yet to get around to editing. The alphabetical and chronological text lists for each year are on the main page for that year, under the grid for selecting the graphic representation of each month.
I also added new blah-blah-blah copy on the front page to update all this. I still plan to eventually get a search function built in (I found one that looks like it would work well), but I'd rather concentrate on getting that huge backlog of poems UP there before making it easy to find out how many times I've used "doomed" in a poem.
I finally got a chance to write something yesterday ... but I've not had a chance to type it up yet. This new schedule of The Wife's is just killing me, since all the "down time" that I had (primarily when Daughter #1 was at Dojo or swim class) is now taken up with minding Daughter #2, who I'm now having to drag along to everything in the evenings (since The Wife is working 5-10pm doing phone research). Of course, nbody fucking cares how anything effects ME, so the fact that I get less than half the work time than I would normally doesn't mean shit.
Hey, sucks being me ... but you can read all about it over here: