BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

And now a word from our sponsors (?) ...

We had some exciting news on the worm biz front, as Nature's Little Recyclers was selected by Accion to be one of the companies involved in the City's Seed Chicago program ... this is an outreach that various organizations related to the City have put together to help deserving start-ups get some funding. The difference is that the funding, rather than coming from tax revenues or foundation grants, is "crowd sourced" via Kickstarter. And, yes, NLR has been to that rodeo a few times already ... but we're hoping that with the backing of Seed Chicago we'll actually walk away with some funds this time. Here's the video:

The actual NLR Kickstarter page is here: Building An Earthworm Factory.

Every little bit helps ... so please drop by, and we'd really appreciate spreading that URL around via your social channels!

Visit the BTRIPP home page!

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