BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Well, that was fun ...

In my random surf through the Internet the other night, I stumbled into the free front-end "personality survey" being offered by the 16 Personalities folks. As I'm typically amused by this sort of thing, I jumped in. It's a variation on the classic Myers-Briggs system, with an added factor that I'd not seen before: Assertive/Turbulent.

I was pleased (I do love consistency) to find my results coming out as they usually do, as INTP, but in this case as INTP-T. It was helpful that they presented the results as percentages, as this pointed out why I will rarely come out with INTJ, as that last factor is only a bit weighted to the P, and may be shifted depending on the sort of questions they're asking.

This particular site provides fairly in-depth descriptions on its free side (with promises of much deeper dives into the data if one ponies up the lucre for the "Premium" reports), and I found myself repeatedly hitting text blocks that were so dead-on that it was scary ... starting with the very first sentence: The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”.

I would usually share this over on FB, but as I've still got two weeks to go on my current "too much truth'n" ban, I figured I'd drop this in here for your perusal:

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