internal disturbance
deeply annoyed
no frameset for distance
no structure returns
we are poisoned within
weakened and drained
unable to process
these elements here
vectors of pain
transfix attention
no plans, no goals
no intents attained
we shift down to low states
collapse towards the base
stripped of dignity
driven to shame
spirals of agony
leading on down
we cannot focus
on anything but
this illness, this bane
this sharp cruel decline
locked into sickness
frozen to despair
and huddled with this
a darker zone
a deeper anguish
something has shattered
in our defense
armor shreds off
leaving us naked
open and exposed
duration escapes us
leaving only desires
unmet, incomplete
unable to fill
in dwindling hours
fleet fleeing days
the sand that now empties
without any trace
- Brendan Tripp
Copyright © 2002 by Brendan Tripp