churning delusion,
extremest of days,
pressed into time,
sliced and diced
by schedule lines,
pureed by chaos,
extruded into forms
of exhaustion and frustration
we decline
and so descend,
downward vectors
define this state;
no rest, no ease,
no relaxation nor
release is here,
trapped within decay
systems, the very frame,
splinter, shatter,
drop crumbling shards
to debris fields
stretching to horizons;
nothing can rebuild this,
nothing can recall
the ancient glory
the sweltering closeness
swamps us into dreams,
we can not focus
upon the outer world
strong enough to fight the fade
into deep drifting,
the instant drop
down into grey
here would illness
cast its pall,
tainting duration
with debilitating shades
which warp perception
with dragging mass
and smothering deflections
from the source of life
- Brendan Tripp
Copyright © 2002 by Brendan Tripp