BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Feeling Quizzy ...

Hey ... there was yet another Quiz that I went and took (this one cribbed from opalcat's journal), which I found strangely on-target, so here it is ...

I Am Ananse the Spider
Ananse the Spider of African folklore is both wise and foolish in the best tradition of tricksters. If you're like Ananse, you're clever and like to be thought well of, but sometimes you outsmart yourself. You're always trying to figure the best angle and you're intelligent and creative, but you have a crude streak. Still, you like to show off your knowledge and that makes you a good teacher.

Which Trickster are you?

Take the Trickster Test at

I have a couple of poems to go up ... maybe later tonight. You were wanting more poems, weren't you, hmmmm?

Visit the BTRIPP home page!


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