BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

P is for POETRY (uh, and I guess Psychosis, too ...) - #1/8

OK ... got some more poems typed up ... in fact, just finished transcribing the last little notebook (so I'm at least caught up to the current notebook ... although I have several hours of typing to do out of that!). Isn't that just FASCINATING??? Geez ... you guys are a tough audience ...

                    THE UNFOUNDED DREAM

                    where we are not,
                    where we can't reach,
                    the zones of death,
                    the realms of light,
                    the things that being cedes,
                    the stranger's face,
                    the complex form,
                    a sense of doom impending

                    out of time,
                    out of self,
                    we are jettisoned,
                    made as trash,
                    left as flotsam;
                    no lines connect
                    as points decay
                    and planes dissolve
                    the unfounded dream
                    weaves amid day
                    as we scramble from
                    the ruins of our intents
                    and seek retrieval
                    of something from the chaos;
                    these shards align
                    within that field
                    is this the foreknown
                    or simply the act,
                    or more subtly,
                    a lie disguised
                    by frantic souls
                    aching for pattern
                    where none remains
                    in broken worlds?
                    still the will
                    presses on
                    that we make right
                    all that's turned wrong,
                    reaming out
                    the guts of time,
                    casting down
                    the walls of space

                             - Brendan Tripp

                    Copyright © 2002 by Brendan Tripp

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