I wish my Mom would consider an assisted-living situation ... we'd researched a few for her about 8 years ago, but she insists on staying in her own place. Of course this means bleeding her now-fixed (well, dwindling given the stock market of late) resources to pay three salaries. If she got into an assisted-living sitution she could at least get rid of her over-night gal, who she complains does nothing but sleep (what does she expect her to do, sit up and play solitaire waiting for the possibility of my Mom waking up and needing to go to the bathroom?)! The place we'd recommended to her has 24-hour help available which can be "hired" in 15-minute segments. This would really be ideal for my Mom, since she resents her "help" being on the clock but not doing anything!
Anyway, this is probably going to be real tearful and ugly and conflicty. Not exactly what I wanted to have on my schedule tonight, especially considering I have a whole book to get through tonight for class tomorrow! Bleh.