Having very nearly finished the re-decorating on Daughter #1's room (all that remains is getting up a wallpaper border on the "desk side" of the room ... but that's a project that I need The Wife to help with, so it's w-a-i-t-i-n-g such time that she's into doing stuff) and Daughter #2 had started to agitate about having hers done too (she was very pissed the other night that I wasn't going to paint her room before she went to bed!). I decided that I could start by getting her old border off ... after all, the border in #1's room peeled right away from the wall, and it took less than an hour to get it all off and washed down. Not this time ... I tried peeling the border and all it did was shred. I did two hours of shredding and sponging to get most of the paper on the closet side of the room off ... I finally noticed that if I really soaked the paper it would come off, so played around with this reality until I found a system. Right now I have wet paper towels stuck to the wall over the border soaking into the wallpaper ... in 10 minutes or so I should be able to peel off that section and then re-wet the towels (I'm doing it in sections) and move along. This is a good thing, since I was really dreading having to spend weeks in there shredding and sponging!
See ... I told you nobody would give a fuck about this!