BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Diet - Week One

OK ... so I warned you there'd be tables and stuff!

After my first week on the Lean Control™ weight management system, I've lost 5 pounds ... if it wasn't for The Wife coming home with a big bag full of Chinese take-out last night (sesame beef ... yum!), I probably would have been down more, but here are Week One's figures:


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7


- 1.5

- 0.5

- 0.0

- 1.5

- 1.5

- 0.5

+ 0.5


- 1.5

- 2.0

- 2.0

- 3.5

- 5.0

- 5.5

- 5.0

As I previously noted, quite a few of the Unicity guys who were able to go on the diet before its official launch (on July 1) had lost 50-60 lbs in 11-12 weeks. If I keep up 5lbs/week, I'll be right there too! I'm already fitting into smaller waist sizes (I have a "spectrum" of pants sizes around here from years of weight fluctuation), which is encouraging. Of course, if I do manage to lose 60lbs in 3 months, I'm going to have to a LOT of pants shopping, because I doubt I have anything that small still around!

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