BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Hey ... want to help a good cause???

I was following up a link and a link and a link tonight and ended up at "The Vaults of Erowid" ... perhaps the finest information source for all things Entheogenic out there on the web, if not the world. As a student of a Shamanic path which has traditionally used "plant tools" in pursuit of the Sacred, I have found the information on of great value.

Well, it looks like Erowid has hit a bit of a funding snag (gee, how could THAT happen?) and they appear to be currently running a bit of a membership drive. They are close to their target now, but could use a boost. A basic membership is $25 (which gets you their newsletter), and for a "Friend" level of $40 you also get a cool mug or t-shirt!

Click this banner to go to their Membership drive page:

Frankly, if I were to win the Lottery, Erowid would be high on my list for doling out donations ... but right now spreading the word is about the best I can do for them! Please give that a look ... even just to poke around the site ... it is a fascinating repository of knowledge about the Entheogenic world!

Visit the BTRIPP home page!

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