BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

New Project ...

I've recently signed on as Director of P.R. (or some such ... we're still working out the details) for Telepathic Media Inc. Unfortunately, this is not a "paying job" (for those who've been keeping track of my on-going "search for salary") but a "sweat-for-stock" deal to help develop one of the more far-reaching Pagan voices on the web. As part of this, I've set up a LiveJournal for Telepathic Media ... and if you'd be interested in getting updates on what we're working on, put "Telepathic" on your friends list! Click on the groovy new L.J. pic here to go to the TMI LJ ...

Among the projects that we are currently developing is the Chicago Pagan Expo (for the weekend of May 26th) and a possible "Seminar of the Sacred Whore" to be held in Chicago in April. Again, slap "Telepathic" in your Friends list to get the updates!

- BTRIPP . . . Hey!  Click on me!



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