BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

I'm back ...

I tried to post from Florida about what a nice job everybody on my Friends List was doing on keeping their posts to a minimum (I think that on Friday I'd counted back to 250 before finding stuff I'd already read), but I must not have been properly logged in (I got some error when trying to post) and not seeing locked entries ... since tonight I find that I have 650 posts to catch up on. Well, I guess I know what I'm going to be doing tonight.

I'm very glad to be back home. The week, while having some fun parts, was quite stressful. I did shoot 9 rolls of film (and another 200 or so shots ... that nobody here would care about ... on my little digital cam). We managed to limit The Girls to one "official souvenier" from Disney World, although they did (of course) acquire a few assorted "unofficial" ones as well, so we were, at least in this one area, able to stick to a budget.

Visit the BTRIPP home page!

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