Having been reading stuff about this for the better part of two decades, I'm somewhat conditioned to note "2012" dates. Well, today I saw one in the sports pages that had me going "hmmmmmmm...", especially in the the context of "catastrophic world-ending events" ... New York City is bidding for the 2012 Olympics. Sounds like pinning a "kick me" sign on one's own backside (or a "come to NYC and do horrible things" sign) given the current world situation. I wonder what the Islamofacists' spin on 2012 is ...
Well, I guess I can't just leave well enough alone, and have to keep poking around ... I have been trying to find a source of the TWZ program, and ended up at some interesting pages. One of these (http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/mckenn.htm) had an interesting list of the remaining high and low points on the Timewave Zero graphs. One thing that I had not previously heard was that there was a major TWZ high spike on 9/11/01. Needless to say, I'm surprised that I hadn't seen that mentioned anywhere (it would be a great addition to Hoagland's 9/11 theories!). It could, of course, be an error by the author (he also confuses 2003 for a presidential election year!).
He refers another page (http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/) as a source of the TWZ program, but I have yet to find where that might be there. However, there is quite a lot of other info on that site which seems quite interesting. Since McKenna's death in Y2K, many of the TWZ/2012 sites have gone dormant (including most of McKenna's own sites ... you would think that the motherfuckers [we have "history"] that run Levity would have cared enough to tidy up his documentation, not just locking down their ownership of his otherwise unused domains, but I guess it's all about them and not really about Terence!) however, this UK site has been updated as recently as a couple of weeks ago, so might be a good source for on-going 2012 info.