You don't suppose that Dunkin Donuts and/or the Mayflower Society would mind my borrowing their images, do you? I am, after all, a very good customer of the former, and a dues paying member of the latter! Heh.
The reason I managed to get to these today was that I was trying to tidy up some folders on my HD, and the neighborhood of /LJ/icons was a mess with bits and pieces of various things I've done (especially for the animated icons), so I made subdirectories for each icon project, which is much better (unless I'm looking in a hurry and don't recall what's what, of course). I know I still have some icon files for things that I made for other folks rattling around in other directories, so if I get real obsessive, I'll hunt those down and sort them out in there as well.
Yeah ... I know ... like you care ...