Well, I guess we're going off to see Harry Potter down at the Navy Pier IMAX this afternoon ... I have a TON of stuff that I need to get done, but The Wife has been giving me shit about "doing stuff" with Daughter #1 (who is home with me for the next five weeks). #1 seems to be pretty cool with helping me with my Mom's stuff (oh, and The Wife reamed me a new asshole abou that last night too ... seems that she wanted me to be doing more of that while #1 was in camp), and we did make a trip over to the storage locker this morning to set up the boards we disassembled from an old palatte yesterday into "shelves" separating layers of boxes. I have a bunch of domains on the verge of expiring, and I really do need to deal with those, but I have just not been able to "pull the trigger" on them as yet, but I need to get to those soon as I'm pretty sure that one of them was due today!
Oh well ... I guess I'm just the biggest sack of shit in the Universe. I'm sure I'll get berated for not "getting anything done" this afternoon because of taking #1 to the movies ... I can't win.