BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

A convoluted meme ...

OK, snagged this from stonemirror's journal ... it involves cypers, and research, and surfing (OH MY!) but what else was I going to be doing at 2am?

1. Take your LJ username and replace each letter with the corresponding number.

          B=2 T=20 R=18 I=9 P=16 P=16

2. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number.


3. Add the digits of the number together.


4. Find the post of this number in your LJ. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together again.

5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.


6. Use the resulting word in a google image search, and select a picture from the first page and post the results.


Gee ... now wasn't that fun?

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