BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

More eBay/Pokemon ...

Ah ... how descriptions make a difference ... I just won 2 copies of an "ultra rare" hologram card from the latest Pokemon set for $1.00 (plus $2 shipping) ... my "low reference site" had it for $6 each, and my "high reference site" had it for $14.99 per, so if one added on shipping, I got these for somewhere between 1/5th and 1/11th of "retail". The is NO reason that these cards should have gone for so little, the only thing I can figure is that it had a "funky" description which sort of rambled (if one can ramble in 50 characters) and didn't much get to the point, which might have thrown other bidders "off the scent".

I, frankly, just pulled up eBay tonight to see if I'd had any new feedback, and decided to look at my Pokemon search just for the heck of it ... this auction was at the very top of the list, expiring in just over 2 minutes, with no bids on it. Ah, this is the sort of thing that makes eBay fun ... get a great value for a "pocket change" sort of payment, totally by surprise!

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