BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,


Yep ... finally got to see Team America: World Police this afternoon. We'd gone over to Navy Pier to let The Girls get a "Create-a-Bear" (or whatever those are officially called) and then go to the movies ... the movie on the "official" schedule was Sponge Bob but The Wife (knowing that I'd been wanting to go see T.A.W.P. for weeks ... we were hoping to see it down in Tampa, but there seemed to be no theaters where we were, despite being right next to a mall) told me that I could go see that while she took the kids to S.B.S.P..

While I was not as enthusiastic about Team America as some folks on my Friends List have been, it certainly was a hoot (and I'm glad to have gotten to see it in a theater), and from what I heard when I got home, I certainly got the best of the deal (my vibes on S.B.S.P. as something that would be very hard to sit through appear to have been accurate)!

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