BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Bleh ...

Why are the holidays so unvaryingly depressing?

Last night (well, Thrusday night, these things blur) The Girls and I went down for the building Holdiay Party (The Wife managing to sneak in tha back way to avoid it for the second year in a row) and this evening Daughter #1 had a "Snowflake Dance" at her school. I was feeling pissy about the latter, as we'd already committed to be at Dojo for this month's formal graduation ceremony (#1 was moving from the "low green" to "high green" belt), and she wasn't even aware of the dance until Wednesday. Needless to say, I got out-voted. Sometimes I think that I'm the only person I know that thinks one should follow through on what one commits to do ... everybody else in the whole fucking world seems to think "what's convenient" is the over-riding priority.

Initially I was planning on running out to see a movie (that new Nick Cage thing, National Treasure) as a form of "I'm not going to cooperate with your scuttling the plan" pout, but it ended up that the 1:00 showing wouldn't get me back in time to pick up #1 from school, and the 4:00 showing would have screwed up The Wife's plans with #2, so I ended up just hanging out at home with #1 and then hanging out at the school for the two hours of the dance. Of course, if history is any guide, this means that I will likely never get to see the movie until SciFi channel puts it on in a couple of years. :-(

We probably are going to get the tree out this weekend. But, frankly, neither The Wife or I are "into it" this year. We have so much shit hanging over us at this point that Xmas is a huge and unwanted distrracfion. I desperately need to finish up getting my Mom's place ready to show/sell ... but we've had NO time to apply to that. I'd almost rather spend this weekend dealing with that than decorating for Xmas.

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