It was an icky rainy day here, which worked out just fine, as we'd promised Daughter #2 that we'd go see the new Heffalump movie as part of her birthday celebartion, but things were too busy on Friday, and other stuff went too late yesterday, so we ended up going to the early show today. It was a fun movie (the Tribune gave it 3 stars, which was pretty much on-target), with some nice songs from Carly Simon. Unlike many of the movies I've been to with The Girls, I did not spend most of this asking myself "When will this be over?", which is a good thing.
A funny thing ... the tickets (in conserving space) said "Pooh's Heff" on them ... I couldn't help but wonder what sort of movie "Heff's Pooh" would end up being! Of course, after doing a Google search for a pic of Heff, I'm guessing most folks wouldn't get the joke, which makes me feel ancient.