BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

La ... la ... la ... more poetry ...

Man ... I looked at what I'd written this month ... big gaps on the calendar ... I was sort of hoping that I'd be able to slot into a 10-12 poem a month pace this year, maybe have a couple of 15-poem months, and be up to 150 poems for the year. You see ... I used to write 250 poems a year, every year, for many many years, so anything less than that makes me feel like "I'm not writing". It was quite an experiment to put them all up here, though ... since I used to just publish the "best 10%" in a little book every two years ... doing a 30-copy run of a comb-bound edition of ALL the poems just for posterity (and, frankly, copyright, since I'd go through the whole Library of Congress thing with those). I don't know if the near-total lack of response to my poems is just people following the "if you can't say something nice..." adage or if they are just being ignored. Oh well. One of these days I'm going to have ALL of them up over at ... once I get through formatting the thousands of old poems I have sitting here!

                    SO NOWHERE BUT WITHIN

                    the desperate search
                    and impassioned need
                    the unfulfilled quest
                    and unending road
                    the framing of years
                    and sure inner stance
                    are brought to bear
                    in actions of our being

                    no darkness is
                    no failure does
                    all is a vector
                    linking points in a line
                    all else is illusion
                    the trappings of myth
                    the veiling of Maya
                    that consensus attains

                    there is motion
                    there is action
                    if not completion
                    or accomplishment
                    what is static
                    is not stagnant
                    but for the context
                    relativity's game

                    there without focus
                    there without point
                    decouple the self
                    from the flow of days
                    remove the soul
                    from the fall of dreams
                    release the spirit
                    from the failure and destruction

                    these locks and chain
                    are based in belief
                    are forged in identity
                    yet they are empty
                    as is their pain
                    and all the stresses
                    empty and without being
                    beyond these inner bounds

                             - Brendan Tripp

                    Copyright © 2001 by Brendan Tripp

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