Well, I finally got "caught up" in that Barbara Thiering book that had got buried in a stack of stuff a few years ago ... and in the process of reading it (I decided that I really needed to start at the beginning again, as it had been so long since I'd put it down), I figured out how it got into that "maybe later" stack ... the point I left off reading it was in an endless section on early first century chronology, comparing various versions of sacred ritual calendars that competing sects had, how they kept time, readjusted their calendars, etc., etc., etc., and then used that all as a stepping stone to what was (in points) an hour-by-hour tracing of the activities of Jesus and his associates as extrapolated from both Biblical and Qumran scroll material. Really, the first third of the book is fascinating, but this middle section was mind-numbing. I'm hoping that the rest ("locations", "hierarchy", etc.) at least isn't as sleep-inducing as the minutia of various cults' calendars was!
Just in case you were wondering what I was reading, since I hadn't put up a review in quite a while!