I repeated this process a half a dozen times, then decided that I had to uninstall it (and got rid of a copy of NS7 while I was at it) and re-install it. Well, while all that went smooth enough, I found that I couldn't run Netscape ... there is something on those Netscape "home" pages (it defaults to opening up 2-3 tabs of propoganda) that was freaking my system out, and it would get open on my screen and immediately announce it had to close. I finally decided that I needed to work in a reboot in there at some point (after a few dozen attempts to get it to run), shut down the system, and walked away for a few hours.
Needless to say, I was thinking "OMG! I'm not going to have Netscape any more! I've lost all my bookmarks! fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" ... but, fortunately, this didn't end up being the case. When I started things back up and tried running Netscape it did the "have to close" thing on the first try, but then stayed up on the second (which had been it's old pattern from about 8.0). I very quickly changed the "home page" setting away from the Netscape one, and I'm hoping that things will be OK now. I did lose all my "personal tool bar" links, but those are mainly just a matter of a few clicks to re-esablish (I do hope I have another link for Marnel/Joule, however).
I hate having to deal with computer shit.