BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

OK, so there I was ...

Poking around in to find out something about something and then checking out something from something else and then paging through the release schedule ... and suddenly discover that (aside from there being Submariner and Nick Fury films in the works from Marvel) somebody is doing a remake of the classic The Omega Man with Will Smith (!) in the Charlton Heston role (the new film reverts to the source book's title I Am Legend). That was one of the great sci-fi films of my youth, and I have a hard time picturing it with the Fresh Prince as the last surviving human being (of course, he was able to pull off being Capt. James West without beaing any resemblence to Robert Conrad, so who knows). Oh, and there's also going to be a National Treasure sequel out for Xmas.

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