One of the things I've snuck in during the clean-up time is "Musical Education Hour", when I get to pick the CD that's playing while were scooping critter poop. Over the months, I've successfully introduced the B-52s, Nirvana, Urge Overkill, and several others (though less successfully Type O Negative and Sisters of Mercy), which The Girls now will pop into the stereo on their own. Today's lesson went over quite well ... Duran Duran ... with them recognizing at least "Hungry Like The Wolf" from one of the Shrek movies. The disk in question was "Decade", their greatest hits album, so it was easy for me to irritate everybody by singing along!
Daughter #2 was trying to extract (just on sight) the Rolling Stones' "It's Only Rock 'N Roll" from the big CD cabinet (which currently needs to have some stuff moved to actually open it), so maybe we may do some of that next week ... although I've been meaning to get a copy of "Hot Rocks: 1964-1971" to add to their collection as an introduction to the Stones!
Heh ... I suspect that I have some of the very few 11 and 7 year olds who can sing Sister Havana ... even if they don't know who that Castro guy is.