BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Still getting caught up ...

Of course, there is no "catching up" is there?

I had a meeting down at the CTC today with a new job coach. The Wife has become very negative about that whole process of late, but what am I going to do? I still need to get a job, be it here or (as has recently been suggested) in Anchorage, AK, so I figure I need to keep things rolling. I have another meeting with yet another new job coach (the two coaches that I had been working with over the past year have pretty much faded away, so I'm re-starting at this late date with new ones) this afternoon.

As previously noted, I made an effort while on the road to keep up with my LJFL, and succeeded in coming back to only a page or two of posts to read. However, neglecting my groups over in LibraryThing's "talk" thing ... with nearly 70 threads having new posts, and some of those threads managing to have accumulated over a hundred new posts in my absence. I have spent several intensive sessions over there trying to get caught up, but it's beginning to seem hopeless at this point!


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