The Boss was down at one of the Big Potential Clients' office all day today. This is the group we'd done several sequential pitches for a couple of months back. Now, while it's not signed, sealed, & delivered as yet (it's actually "in the hands of the lawyers" at this point), it looks like we're not going to have them as a client, but be entering into a massive Joint Venture with them to develop a whole series of Metaverse versions of all their real-world facilities. It is a HUGE deal, and we're going to be having to like quadruple our staff virtually overnight.
I can't really talk details right now, but we need to have a "demo" of the initial project we were discussing up and running by mid-May, followed by a full build-out on that, then another, and another, and another, and another, literally hundreds of MAJOR in-world developments.
We're going to be very, very busy; but we're also likely to be making metric shitloads of money. And I, for one, am quite willing to be finally making some real money again!