BTRIPP (btripp) wrote,

Oh, bliss ... oh, joy ...

Barnes & Noble has the clearance table up again! 75% off on all the stuff there ... once again, I focused on their own imprints (which come with very low cover prices anyway) and walked away with a shopping bag full (well, not full full, but numerous items) for just over $15 including our insane local sales tax! I even got both of The Girls "Learn To Play Harmonica" kits which, with the mark-downs, only about two bucks a piece!

I took a pass on a couple of "very tempting" items ... like the miniature models of famous ballparks, which had been $24.95, and was now $6.25 (about a buck per ballpark), and some really cool looking atlases (there was one that was all done with satellite imagery!) ... as I wanted to be able to get out the door for less than $20.00, but I may yet succumb to some of those in the next week.

If you don't have a B&N right down the block like we do, I understand that they also have the sale running on their web site (even though it seems that there the "red dot" only indicates a 50% discount, rather than the 75% in the stores), so you might want to go check that out.

I just put in an order over on the site ... they have several hundred books at $1.99 and over 3,000 titles at $3.99 (plus more at $5.99). What's great is that if the order goes over $25 you get free shipping ... so those $3.99 books are like getting 1¢ books from the Amazon new/used guys (with their $3.99/book shipping)!

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